Glenda Clay is delighted to be a resident of Leisure World. She serves at Inter-Faith Chapel as the Gospel Choir director. Glenda, a native of Marshall, Texas was an honor graduate of H. B. Pemberton High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree in music education from Our Lady of the Lake College (University) in San Antonio; a master’s degree in Secondary Music Education from University of Maryland at College Park; completed post-secondary administration and supervision certification and was the first female graduate of the Certificate of Ministry program at East Texas Baptist University. During her professional career as a vocal general instructor, administrator, and minister, Glenda enjoyed teaching, arranging, and directing choirs. As the first African American honor’s chorus director for Prince George’s County Public Schools, she was privileged to have one of her arrangements performed at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. Additionally, Glenda has served as adjudicator, guest conductor, and minister of music. She began composing music in 2001. Since that time, she has written for solo voice, SSA, SAT, and SATB, and children’s ministry. She has produced one CD, “My Testimony in Song”. Her song, “Precious Jesus,” was recorded by the Mark Dubbeld Family. Her hymn, “Taste and See”, can be found in the GIA hymnal, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. Glenda furthers her songwriting ability by studying at the Gloria Gaither Songwriting Intensive each year. She enjoys writing musical plays that tell the story of Christmas and Easter. Professionally, Glenda Clay is a minister, golden, life member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity, and Alpha Chi Honor Society.